The Museum is now under 24 Hr Surveillance.
After a number of weeks looking at the design of the old web site, it
was felt that a change was needed to spruce up the old one so that everything
was at your fingertips on entering the site. You can now access nearly all
our resources without having to scroll, just a simple click and you are there.
So have a browse, enjoy and don't forget our new guest book to give some
feedback to the web master just click this link:
If you feel you want to go back to the old Page just click
The Fighting Fourth - (Click Here)
Work continues on the publication of the Fighting
Fourth. Approximately 35% of the book has been digitised and the remainder
should be complete very soon.
Document - Raising 4th Bn
Have a look at what the museum looks like, check out "At a Glance" -
(Click Here)