Membership to the 4 RAR Museum is available to all serving and ex serving members and their families who have ties with 4 RAR, 2/4 RAR and associated units. A certificate of membership to the 4 RAR (Cdo) Museum Foundation can be issued to any of the qualifying people by submitting the membership form which can be downloaded from this site by right clicking on the icon below and choosing "Save Target As" to save to your file system. Alternatively you may run the program, however, it is in Word format and you will need to have Microsoft Office installed to read the document. Once you have downloaded the file, simply fill it in then print and send to the address detailed on the form with either a $10.00 cheque or money order enclosed. Please make cheques payable to "The 4 RAR (Commando) Museum Foundation. If you are having issues with membership please give us a call or send an email: Click Here Note: Museum staff will only accept signed copies of the membership application (email copies will not be accepted and will be referred back to the sender)